Hanukkah Veronica,

The Mitzvah Fairy!

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Hanukkah Veronica, The Mitzvah Fairy!

The Story

She felt a little bit lonely, all her friends had an Elf,


But when she looked in her room, there was nothing on her shelf.

There on my bed was a fairy with wings,

My mom said her heart could do powerful things.

With a little bit of help. I learned a lesson this season,

Kindness is important and it does not need a reason.

For even more fun…

She’s a beautiful doll too!

Doll on bed

The perfect addition to any bedroom.

She is lovable & huggable

with amazing hair your child can brush and style!

Here is what our customers have to say!

“What an exquisite gift set you created. The book is so beautifully written in perfectly metered rhythm. The illustrations are vibrant and enchanting. The doll is adorable but most importantly the message of love and kindness is so inspiring. Every detail from the packaging to the message has been done with so much love, creativity and professionalism. May this book touch the multitudes and may you continue to be blessed.”

~ Debbie Milam

“This book and its message could not have come at a better time.  In our current world where people find themselves worried, rushed or cutting corners, it is so refreshing and wonderful to see a Company doing their best to spread kindness and produce such an exceptional product.  It is all time for us to slow down, be grateful and spend some time with Hanukkah Veronica.  I can’t say enough about the quality and attention to detail of both the book and the doll, as Bonta Friends thought of everything.”   

~ Deanna Hedigan

“I just received my Hanukkah Veronica book!! This book is not only so beautiful (amazing illustrations!) but the story is heartfelt!! Good job! I love it!!”

~ Elizabeth Vickerman

“We received our Hanukkah Veronica and we are BLOWN AWAY! Every detail…the quality…the care and detail in packaging…the feel of the ribbon and the deco box….the card inside and of course the sweet story and the doll! I cannot say enough about how lovely it is!”

~Pam Nichols

Thank you to our original supporters.

Kickstarter Backers Are Listed Here!

The Creative Fund*Bart Williams*Joska Levy*Nancy Brant*Elise Lerner*Emily*Sylvia*Ronald Bibace*Bruce Phillips*Elizabeth Eife*Dr. Hara B. Glasser-Frei*Jason Hunsucker*The Milam Family*Bruno Bartolotta*Anne Kerbyson*Stephanie Krutchik*Mary Lou Grellinger*Joyce Taylor*Garry Trost*Claudia & Jay Sherman*Matt Cooper*Mesullivan*Savannah B.*Jacqueline Brant*Yvette Manns*Maureen Howard*Marissa Konschnik*Darin Upton*Donna Oppert*Alison H Simpson*Santiago Hernandez*Sheri Stebbins*Liz Ward*Donna*Sindy Marvin*Miles Wilson*Jolie C. Fainberg*William C. Lomel*Deanna Furness Hedigan*Tim Bates*Karin Daley*Aaron & Allison Brant*Margaret*Da­­­­­nica King*Paula Zeeman*Steven Brant*Elizabeth Lewis*Susan G. Williams*Christine Bridge*Nataline Dunaway*Peter Jordanopoulos*Katie Wilson*Lisa Maddy*Keven Lerner*Brook Thomas*Kim Hamilton*Debbie Lundberg*Ralph Levy*RMB*Robert Grumet*Robin H. Martin*Judy Dreher*James Smith*Cindy Hutchinson*Christopher A. Chavez*Andy Williams* Edye S.*Glori Hall Kloda*Sandy*Jacqueline Walsh*Lawrence Keith*Dianne Clemons*Patricia Knobel*Rachelle Smith*Keepin’ Up Wit*Elizabeth Vickerman*Candace Youngberg*Joseph C*Cassie Davis*Steve & Risa Einhorn*John Lueder*Leah Black*James Bradley*Kathy Kestin*E. Rose*Accounting At WBS*Ephraim Tunick*Amanda Sparrow*Amy Stanitzke*Lisa Shirley*Tim Winterstein*Hannah Stoloff*Erin Hillbrook*Adriana Schwinghammer*Jamie Lyons*Lynn Inerfeld*Patricia Dantonio*Jordan L. Frei*Debbie Lutchen*Deanna Seely*Jessica Wexler*Doralis Denny*Robert Hedigan*Kelley Baker Moon*Fisher*Susan Bopp*Nick Kendrick*Max and Rebecca Schnaper*Chip Edmonds*Ron J.*Heidi Barron*Mike & Dana*Stephanie Carmichael*Melanie Caceres*G. Rostas*JP Williams*Tim Griffin*Martha Maddox*Richard McCormick*Claude Levy*Levi Mentz*Kristine Chickerotis*Lily Guerra*Piotr*Jay Jones*Charles Eubanks*Michael and Natalie Fleshler*Trenton Carson*Eloise Walden Pursell*Karen Weiss*Brain Clark*Judy Sousa*Beth Lyons*Gabrielle Mills*Sidney Durrance*Melissa Slocum*Mark Grumet*Andrew Nguyen*Chrissy Strohmeyer*David Gordon*Brian*Tami Reina*Stacey*Malia McCawley Mullican*Ellen*Ro Sarmoen*Steve Aberman*Michele Gootenberg*Fred Bilowit*Israel Szmiga*Craig Sears*Lisa Brunner Drobney*Wendi Washowich*Joyce*Tireje Ballard*James*Gina Maxwell*Dr. Roanete Naamani and Rabbi Edward Goldman*Lynne Cruze*A. James*Jenny Tompkins*EPIC*J. Bernstein* Crissy Klaus*Nancy Bute*Erica Schneider*Kenneth Baggs*Daniel Delair*Pamela Nichols*Kerry Matia*Nathalie Darline

Thank you for believing in Bonta Friends!

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
— Mahatma Gandhi
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